Friday, December 26, 2014

The Day after... Christmas

Before alcohol takes over my blood I've to say what an amazing day ... far away from everthing and everyone, nothing like being hugged by this +20c sun, awake up by this light away from the thunders and hidden from the wet coldness that freeze my thin and shattered bones towards the bright colours of the days that will come... !

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, December 20, 2014

why not ?....

A bottle of wine and good music as company, what you need more?
U conquer the world, u climb and descend the stairs, u run and u stop, u are what u are and u are all people of the world. Isn't Life good or what ?

P.RestlessMind x

Gerald Freeman's Bookish Art Blog.: How deep does the imagination run?

Gerald Freeman's Bookish Art Blog.: How deep does the imagination run?: If ever I run out of reality, I will write fiction X


Live from nothing and having nothing to live from seems to be one and the same thing but are not. They may get along but they don't know each other. The first condition may be a choice the other it's the opposite.

P.RestLessmind x

--- (Portugue version)
Viver do nada e não ter nada para viver parecem ser uma e a mesma coisa mas não são. Conhecem-se mas não se percebem. A primeira pode ser uma escolha a outra é o seu contrário.

P.RestLessmind x

Gerald Freeman's Bookish Art Blog.: Honesty.

Gerald Freeman's Bookish Art Blog.: Honesty.: The truth that so many people are scared of honesty is testament to the fact we are in dire need of more of it X

Monday, December 8, 2014


The world does not need more sound bytes ...I believe that what we need is people brave enough to destroy all the mirrors in the scream in the mirror that you are not the answer and turn your back away.
I feel increasingly small and silent as I see more.

--- (portuguese version)

O mundo não precisa de mais sound bytes... Acredito que o que precisamos é de pessoas com coragem suficiente para destruir todos os espelhos do gritar ao espelho que tu não és a resposta e virar-lhe as costas.
Sinto-me cada vez pequeno e silencioso à medida que vejo mais.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

A B version of YRself...

From one point of our lives we are not growing anymore and we need to challenge and to be challenged, otherwise inevitably what remains is to become older and just spend a day after the other repeating ourselves.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
A versão B de nós mesmos...

A partir de certa altura da vida deixamos de crescer e precisamos de desafiar e de sermos desafiados, senão, inevitavelmente o que resta é envelhecer e passarmos um dia atras do outro a repetirmo-nos.
P.RestLessMind x

Gerald Freeman's Bookish Art Blog.: Humanity is good because...

Gerald Freeman's Bookish Art Blog.: Humanity is good because...: no one is bad for nothing. We are just human, people do not need to be forgiven, they need to be understood X

Saturday, September 6, 2014

To Ingela...

I'm sure that on the day I stop loving you, I die... and for that reason I believe that our love will last until one of us dies.

P.RestLessMind x

---(Portuguese version)
Tenho a certeza que no dia em que deixar de te amar, morri...e por essa razão, acho que o nosso amor irá durar até que um de nós morra.

P.RestLessMind x

Friday, August 22, 2014


Sometimes, I look at myself through the eyes of Others and what do I see ?
Someone who wanted much and have nothing ...
Sometimes, I look at myself from the inside and what do I see ?
Someone who perhaps could have been more and yet never really wanted to be...anything.

P. RestLessMind x

--- Portuguese version
Às vezes...
Ás vezes, eu olho para mim nos olhos dos outros e o que vejo ?
Alguém que quis tudo, é um falhado e não tem quase nada...
Ás vezes, eu olho para mim pelo lado de dentro e o que vejo ?
Alguém que talvez pudesse ter sido mais e mesmo assim nunca quis ser... nada.

P. RestLessMind x

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I like to think myself as a free spirit that at times feels trapped when my thoughts come up in a cell of 140 characters of space. I look at freedom far beyond this imposed limits and in conscience I choose freely to escape from the masses.

P.RestLessMInd x

--- (Portuguese versi
Um espirito livre sente-se preso quando o seu pensamento esbarra numa cela com 140 caracteres de espaço. Por isso, escolho a liberdade para além dos limites das massas e fujo do Twitter.

P.RestlesseMind x

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Time After Us...

As time goes by, I feel that it is no longer easy to remember the time before us .. and that, strange as it may seem, just makes me feel Happy.

P.RestlessMind x

---(Portuguese version)

O Tempo depois de Nós...
À medida que o tempo passa, às vezes eu sinto que já não é muito fácil lembrar-me do tempo que é o tempo antes de Nós...e isso por muito estranho que possa parecer, só me faz sentir Feliz.

P.RestlessMind x

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Do you know the answer?...

You can wash your face, your eyes, your mouth, your lips, your hair, your whole body, once, twice or many times you want or need to,but how can you wash your soul and clean up your heart?
How do you purge your thoughts and throw it all out?
And during that journey, how do you become a better version of yourself ?

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Sabes a resposta ?
Podes lavar a tua cara, os teus olhos, a tua boca, os teus labios, o teu cabelo, todo o teu corpo, uma, duas ou todas as vezes que quiseres, mas como podes tu lavar a tua alma e limpar o teu coração ?

Como purgar os teus pensamentos e deitar tudo cá para fora ?
Durante a tua viagem, como podes tu tornar-te um melhor versão de ti próprio ?

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Wonder...

I think that almost everyone wants more than one life and in fact we maybe all many people.
At the end of the day, I guess we're never the same person to everyone. That's the beauty of it, perhaps diversity is just in our heads... is it ?!

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Será que é assim ?
Penso que quase toda a gente quer mais que uma vida e todos nós somos muitas pessoas. No final do dia, acho que Nunca somos a mesma pessoa para toda a gente, ou será que não ? Essa é a beleza da coisa, a diversidade está mesmo na nossa cabeça.... será ?!

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, July 12, 2014


I am not a follower and I do not follow anyone,
However, what I follow, sometimes, through out the darkness of the road and the far light vision of a shelter, is Life....
Always secretly hoping to ask: Why didn't we meet before ... is Lonelyness full of live ?

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Não sou um seguidor e não sigo ninguém,
No entanto, o que eu sigo, às vezes,
por entre a escuridão do caminho e a luz de um abrigo,
é a Vida e sempre com a secreta esperança de lhe perguntar: Porque não nos encontrámos antes ?... ou Será a solidão cheia de vida ?...

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Are you that near ?...

Is it the distance that you are from being what you want to be depending of how far are you from finding what you're looking for ?

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Estarás assim tão perto ?
Será que a distancia a que estás de seres o que realmente queres ser, depende da distancia a que estás do que procuras e do lugar onde te encontras ?

P.RestLessMind x

Friday, June 13, 2014

Mirror I...

As time goes by, I begin to realize more and more that we are all at some point in our lives the negative of each other.
P.RestLessMind x

---(Portuguese version)
À medida que o tempo vai passando, começo a perceber cada vez mais que todos nós somos em algum momento da nossa vida o negativo uns dos outros.

P.RestLessMind x

Friday, June 6, 2014


Sometimes I wonder in which level am I, taking into account, that the archetype of life advocated by many of the middle class people, is that we only truly justify our passage in this world, if we've had children or if we've planted a tree or even if we've written a book. Curiously I never understood why is music excluded.
In my case:
- I have no children and never really wished them (sorry, but I do not feel guilty about it...),
- Sadly I do not have the talent to make music or even a true and natural aptitude for writing (and this includes books obviously…),
- I love and respect nature but never had the will or the desire to plant trees (but I have some pride in the flowers that I water every day and that I helped to smile ...)
- I do not consider myself particularly nice or kind to others (although I have the arrogance to think that I have some principles of life and some verticality in some of the honorable values that I defend (whatever that means) as this for any reason would be sufficient to maintain some basic social life...)
- I'm not always worried about someone else (to be completely honest), on the contrary, I'm often too centered on myself (I'm working on it but I hate this facet ...)

For all this, I wonder (at times), when I finished my passing, if instead of being remembered, will people ever miss me?
And if so, how can one feel the absence of someone without being reminded?

How presumptuous and selfish is this?


--- (Portuguese version)
Às vezes ponho-me a pensar, em que patamar me devo colocar, tendo em conta que o Arquétipo de vida defendido por muita gente da classe média, é que nós só justificamos verdadeiramente a nossa passagem neste mundo, se tivermos tido filhos ou se plantarmos uma árvore ou ainda se tivermos escrito um livro. Curiosamente nunca percebi porquê que excluem a música deste modelo.
No meu caso :
- Não tenho filhos e nunca verdadeiramente os desejei (desculpem, mas não me sinto culpado por isso...),
- Não tenho o talento para fazer música ou sequer uma verdadeira e natural aptidão para escrever (e isto inclui livros obviamente),
- Apesar de gostar e respeitar a natureza, nunca tive a vontade ou o desejo de plantar árvores (mas tenho algum orgulho nas flores que rego todos os dias e que ajudei a sorrir),
- Não me considero especialmente bondoso (embora tenha a arrogância de pensar que possuo alguns princípios de vida e alguma verticalidade em alguns dos honoráveis valores que eu defendo (seja lá o que isso quer dizer) como se isso só por si fosse suficiente para manter a ilusão de ter alguma espécie de vida social....),
- Também não sou alguém sempre preocupado com os outros (para ser completamente honesto), pelo contrário, sou demasiadas vezes muito centrado em mim mesmo (estou a tentar melhorar mas odeio esta faceta...)

Por isto tudo, pergunto-me (às vezes), se quando eu tiver terminado a minha passagem, em vez de ser lembrado, as pessoas alguma vez sentirão a minha falta ?
E se assim for, como se pode sentir a falta de alguém sem se ser lembrado ?

Quão presunçoso e egoísta é isto ?


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Does this make any sense ?...

The skin that presents itself to the World
sometimes rough, dry and hard,
sometimes soft and fragile,
is the same skin that underneath it hides the other side of the world.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Será que isto faz algum Sentido ?
A pele que se apresenta ao Mundo
às vezes áspera, seca e dura, outras vezes suave e frágil
é a mesma pele que debaixo dela, esconde o outro lado do Mundo.

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Strange Place...

The present is only a distant and diffuse mirage, overwhelmed by the dazzling dream of a future that is nowhere else but here and now.
Sometimes I feel that we all are in a strange place where there is more haste than time.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese Version)

Estranho Lugar...

O presente é só uma miragem longínqua e difusa, esmagada pelo deslumbramento de um futuro sonhado que não está noutro lugar senão aqui e agora.
Ás vezes sinto que estamos todos num lugar estranho onde há mais pressa, que tempo.

P.RestLessMind x

Sunday, May 11, 2014


As in many lives we live and in the various people we are, we arrange encounters we sometimes fail, without ever being disencounters because they never meant to be.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Como nas várias vidas que vivemos e nas várias pessoas que somos, marcamos encontros que às vezes falhamos, sem nunca chegarem a ser desencontros porque nunca verdadeiramente os desejámos.

P.RestLessMind x

Monday, April 21, 2014

New Frontiers...

The frontiers of the world are within the limits of my thoughts
with rules or without rules, with a license or without a license, is completely indifferent
that only matters to those who live there, in that place, in that mind, on those thoughts
and for those who live there and cry and shout loud that think who they are
I say Stop, because they look alike but they are not !!...

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
As fronteiras do mundo estão nos limites dos meus pensamentos
Sem regras, com regras, com licença ou sem licença é completamente indiferente
Só interessa a quem ali vive, nesse sitio, nessa mente e nesse pensamentos
e a esses que moram, choram, gritam e pensam que sabem quem são
eu digo, parem, porque parecem mas não são !!..

P.RestLessMind x

Kill Daddy: thoughts x

Kill Daddy: thoughts x: It's not that I have a good memory, but that I have good memories x

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Kill Daddy: WHO ARE YOU?

Kill Daddy: WHO ARE YOU?: You are, quite simply, an accumulation of what you do. ..but then imagine, if after everything you did, you weren't the real you- Geral...

Right Time...

Everything has a certain time in life.
The moments of rupture are like storms, are proper to that time, and as ashes they reborn at each day that passes, asking no permission to exist, standing up as strong Lords of a last wish: Serenity and Peace of mind.
And the beginning of everything, starts again, for the right reasons and at the right time !

P.RestLessMind x

O Tempo Certo ...
Tudo tem tempo certo na vida.
Os momentos de ruptura são como as tempestades, são próprios desse tempo, são como as cinzas que renascem a cada dia que passa, não pedindo permissão para existir, levantando-se como os fortes Senhores de um último desejo: Serenidade e Paz de Espírito.
E como no principio, começa tudo de novo, uma vez mais pelas razões certas e no momento certo do tempo !
P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, April 12, 2014


The past seems to me a strange and distant place
the future a confusing and mysterious time
the present, I feel have not yet passed but is already gone.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
O passado parece-me um lugar estranho e longínquo,
o futuro um tempo confuso e misterioso ainda por vir,
e o presente, esse, eu sinto que ainda não passou
comigo impacientemente à espera que simplesmente aconteça.

P.RestLessMind x

Friday, April 4, 2014


Our memory, is not only made of the knowledge we have, the experiences we live or even untold desires and fantasies we dream, our memory, is also made of the memory of others, of their collective sharing and of this exciting and scary mixture that happens, when getting to know others we end up by knowing ourselves.

We know, because we feel ....

P.RestLessMind x

-----------(Portuguese version)
A memória das pessoas nao é só feita do conhecimento que temos, das experiências que vivemos, das fantasias que sonhamos ou dos desejos que temos, é também feita da memória dos outros, da sua partilha colectiva e dessa excitante e assustadora mistura que acontece quando ao conhecendo os outros nos conhecermos a nós próprios.

Nós sabemos, porque sentimos...

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Everything has so much more flavor, when we sit outside, tasting a glass of white wine, in a bright winter day, between the cold wind who stubbornly greets us and the warm sunshine who gently insists on hugging us, making us feel that despite of everything and against all odds, is still worth being here, feeling alive and enjoying the little great things of life.
That's how I and my wife are feeling today 29th March 2014.

P.RestlessMind‏ x

--- (Portuguese version)

Tudo tem muito mais sabor, quando nos sentamos cá fora a beber um delicioso e fresco copo de vinho branco, num dia luminoso, gelado e ventoso de inverno, entre o frio que teimosamente nos cumprimenta e o raio quente de sol que insiste em nos abraçar, fazendo-nos sentir que, apesar de tudo e dos momentos difíceis por que passámos, ainda vale a pena estarmos cá, vivos e a disfrutar das pequenas grandes coisas da vida.

É assim que eu e a minha mulher nos sentimos hoje, dia 29 de Março de 2014.
P.RestlessMind‏ x

Saturday, March 22, 2014


The greatest piece of art of an artist is the exciting process of creating its own public.
Hopefully open minded, intergenerational and timeless.

P.RestLessMind x

-----(Portuguese version)

A maior peça de arte de um artista é o próprio processo de criação do seu público.
Desejavelmente de mente aberta, intergeracional e intemporal.

P.RestLessMind x

Being an Artist...

I wonder if living this illusion, is the closest that I'll ever be in my life, to feel, what you feel as an artist and if so, why do I feel so close and yet so far from what I imagine to be what an artist feels?
In life wanting is not enough, you must want much, more then much, you must want with all your strength and you must have the will, a very strong and powerful will...and that I know I want but still I know I can't !...

P.RestLessMind x

-----(Portuguese version)
Eu pergunto se viver esta ilusão, é o mais perto, que alguma vez estarei na minha vida de sentir o que sente um artista e se sim, porque me sinto tão perto e me sei tão distante do que imagino ser o que um artista sente ?
Na vida não basta querer, querer muito, querer com todas as forças, tem que se poder, poder forte, poder muito, poder bem, poder belo, poder ser e isso eu sei que desejo mas também sei que não posso !

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Colleagues and friends ...

Some colleagues aspire to be friends and some friends can not be colleagues
they don't know and they don't want
and that, colleagues, do not realize, not because they don't know, just because they don't want
I continue to be alone, even accompanied, feeling always alone
yes, with colleagues who I know but I simply don't want

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Amigos e Colegas…
Alguns colegas aspiram a ser amigos e alguns amigos não conseguem ser colegas,
os amigos não conseguem ser colegas, não sabem e não querem
e isso os colegas não percebem, não porque não saibam, mas porque não querem
continuo a estar sozinho, acompanhado, mas sempre sozinho
sim, com colegas que conheço mas que simplesmente não quero

P.RestLessMind x

Friday, March 14, 2014


As a rebel looking for a cause, searching for the right reasons,
for the right direction, on round the curve and on a straight road
I believe that no matter what they say, being a poet is to be the word,
is to be the feeling, feeling that passes, feeling that stays,
is being so and so, as someone who tries, tries hard but still fails

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Como um rebelde à procura de uma causa, à procura das razões certas,
da direcção certa, da curva redonda e da estrada recta
acho que nesta busca finalmente percebi, que o que eles dizem não interessa,
ser poeta é ser palavra, é ser sentimento, sentimento que passa, sentimento que fica
é ser assim assim, como alguem que tenta, tenta muito, mas não acerta.

P.RestLessMind x

Monday, March 3, 2014

A strange form of life...

If we are not careful, sometimes in life, the pain can indulge ourselves so completely that becomes a strange form of life. A convenient pain, the same kind of pain that hurts like the sweet pain you feel in a unconfessed and desired pleasure.

P.RestLessMind x

---- (Portuguese version...)
Se não tivermos cuidado, às vezes e na vida a dor pode saciar-nos tão saborosamente que mesmo se tornando uma estranha forma de vida, doi como a doce dor que se sente num prazer inconfessavelmente desejado.

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Body...

On these bodies there is skin, thin skin, thick skin, dry skin, smooth skin, wet skin, cold skin, warm skin, open skin, needy skin, changed skin, offered skin, touched skin...
and beneath the skin there is matter, bones, fine-boned, thick bones, long bones, short bones...
and over the bones and around them there is muscle, much muscle, little muscle, strong muscle, weak muscle...
and with the muscles and under them, over them and with them, there is fat, high fat, low fat, thick fat, thin fat, good fat, bad fat...
and there are arteries, very tiny arteries, large arteries, narrow arteries, wide arteries and within them, there are
fluids, fluids of blood, thick blood, thin blood, red blood, fresh blood and there are organs, different organs, with many names and more functions, doing what they are supposed to do,
sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes not, sometimes hurting and sometimes simply shuting down,
asking no permission, no sorry, and is not because of you, it is like that, just because, because it can.
And in the end, it's just a body, a body that is single, unique, like yours, like mine.
Our bodies, yours and mine united forever!
Lv u!!

P.RestLessMind x

---- (Portuguese Version)

Nestes corpos e debaixo desta camada de pele, pele fina, pele grossa, pele molhada, pele seca, pele suave, pele fria, pele quente, pele disponivel, pele carente, pele oferecida, pele dada, pele trocada sendo pele, pele simplesmente dada e
há materia, ossos, ossos finos, ossos grossos, ossos longos, ossos curtos e
sobre eles e à sua volta existe músculo, muito músculo, pouco músculo, músculo forte, musculo fraco e
com os musculos e debaixo deles, sobre eles e à volta deles, existe gordura, muita gordura, pouco gordura, gordura grossa , gordura fina, gordura boa, gordura má e
existem artérias, artérias pequeninas, artérias grandes, muito grandes e artérias estreitas, artérias largas e existem fluídos, muitos fluídos, alguns feitos de nada, outros feitos de sangue grosso, sangue fino, sangue vermelho, sangue fresco e
depois existem os órgãos, muitos orgãos, orgãos que deviam existir e outros que não existem, órgãos com a mesma batida, com a mesma função, com a mesma vida, às vezes fazendo bem, às vezes não, às vezes mesmo doendo, doendo muito, desligam-se e adormecem num sono profundo, estão lá mas não estao, presentes, não estão acordados, não pedem desculpa, não por causa de ti, nem por nenhuma razão, é só porque é assim, assim mesmo, simplesmente porque sim.
E, no final, é apenas um corpo, um corpo que é único, singular, como o teu, como o meu.
O nosso corpo, o teu e o meu unidos para sempre!!!
Só para ti, Amor !!!!

P.RestLessMind x


Someone who has the soul and the courage to look forward to things that are of life, even if it concerns the death, is someone stripped of possessions, is someone who feels, feels strong, feels great, feels beyond the things of this world.
I would like to feel more, to feel what someone felt, to strongly believe that even if the disease takes your life it can not kill you.
I wish to be that person.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version...)
Alguem que tem na alma, a coragem de olhar de frente as coisas que são da vida mesmo tratando-se da morte, é alguem desposado do ter, é alguém que sente, sente forte, sente muito, sente para além das coisas deste mundo.
Eu gostava de sentir mais, de sentir o que alguem sentiu, de sentir que, mesmo que a doença te tire a vida não te consegue matar. Eu desejo ser essa pessoa.

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, February 22, 2014


The cold wind that enters in a heart that is alive, in a heart that beats strong, it's a wind that becomes a breeze, a warm and gentle breeze, in a heart that doesn't lie.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
O vento que entra frio num coração que está vivo, que bate forte e que sente, que sente de verdade, é vento que se torna brisa, brisa suave e quente, de quem respira, de quem não mente.

P.RestLessMind x


I like to see myself among those who believe that "it's never too late to change the world" but sometimes the feeling I get, is always of someone who has a future but the that future never comes.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese Version)
Gosto de me ver entre aqueles que acreditam que "nunca é tarde demais para mudar o mundo" mas às vezes a sensação que tenho é sempre a de alguem que tem futuro mas que esse futuro nunca vem.

P.RestLessMind x

Friday, February 21, 2014


Poetry, should be more than stowed, ordered, beautiful and rhymed words.
Poetry should be simple in the complexity of the simple things, must come from within as the deepest in you, and must be honest, so honest as you can be.
And in the end, when you finish the last sentence from your poem, you finally understand,that poetry to be true, is all about feelings without being a poem.
P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
A poesia deve ser mais do que palavras arrumadas, ordenadas, bonitas e rimadas.
A poesia deve ser simples, como complexa é a simplicidade, deve vir de dentro como o mais profundo que há em ti e deve ser honesta como a honestidade precisa de ser.
E no fim, quando terminares a ultima frase desse teu poema, finalmente percebes, que o poesia para ser verdade, tem que ser sentimentos sem ser um poema.

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Word of Honor...

The value of the word, a word of honor, is how you can define a word, but what truly distinguishes it, is whether the Honor, this virtue, that sometimes seems forgotten, dormant and dying, is according to the word, alive, present and with the right voice, a voice that deserves to be heard and listened to.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)

O valor da palavra, de uma palavra de Honra, é como uma palavra se pode definir, mas o que verdadeiramente a distingue, é saber se a Honra, essa virtude, que às vezes parece esquecida, adormecida e moribunda, está conforme a palavra, viva, presente e com a voz certa, uma voz que merece ser ouvida e escutada.

P.RestLessMind x

Man Up...

I think there are a few really important things that anyone deserves to hear at least once during their lifetime.

"Man up" is one of those things that only make sense if felt and said by a friend.

This expression was what I needed to hear at that moment, in that tone of voice and from that person ... it felt right and it made me think that there are things that should not depend on the stage of life you're in, what your experience is, how old are you or what you do and what you think.

There are words that should not be forgotten and deserve to be remembered:
Have a life and do not give things for granted....
So simply as that !.

P.RestlessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Eu acho que existem apenas algumas coisas realmente importantes que qualquer pessoa merece ouvir pelo menos uma vez durante a sua vida.

" "Cresce e faz-te à Vida " é uma daquelas coisas que só fazem sentido se ditas e sentidas por um amigo verdadeiro.

E essa expressão era o que eu precisava de ouvir naquele momento, naquele tom de voz e daquela pessoa ... fez todo o sentido e fez-me pensar que há coisas que não devem depender da fase da vida em que estamos, qual é a nossa experiência, quantos anos temos, o que fazemos ou até o que pensamos.

Existem sim, palavras que não devem ser esquecidas e merecem ser lembradas:
Arranja uma vida e não dês as coisas como garantidas ....
Tão simples como isso !.

P.RestlessMind x

Friday, February 7, 2014

Live or Die...

In the Universe is born who never lived and reborn who never died.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
No Universo, Nasce quem nunca Viveu e Renasce quem nunca Morreu.

P.RestLessMind x


You are so damn beautiful not because the way you look or the way you move or even do way you care, but just being who you are. Simple and beautiful !

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Tu és tão bela, verdadeiramente bela, não tanto pela maneira como olhas ou pela maneira como te moves ou até mesmo pela maneira como te interessas, mas antes,apenas e só por seres quem és. Simples e bela !

P.RestLessMind x


In humans, having children, arises from an underlying desire to perpetuate the consciousness of selves, or on the contrary, arises from a biological urgency, to ensure the continuity of the species. What is the reason? ... Where is that one begins and the other ends?

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Nos seres humanos, ter filhos, surge de um desejo subjacente de perpetuar a consciência de nós mesmos, ou, pelo contrário, surge de uma urgência biológica, para garantir a continuidade da espécie. Qual é a razão? ... Onde é que começa um e termina o outro?

P.RestLessMind x


Is that we are all crazy people in the world ?
No, I dont' think so !... Yes, I'm complety sure of that!...

Are we insane ?
Are you insane ?
Do you think ?
Do you feel before you think ?
Do you actually feel ?
Does all this exist ?
Do you exist ?
What are you ?
Who are you ?
Where is here ?
Are we here ?
Were we there ?
What is real ?
Is this real ?
Was it real ?

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Little Bird (long version..)

Today I felt you fragile Mother
I felt you weak, proud, amazed and for nothing really. I think that was just because you and I finally managed to somehow communicate, communicate sincerely and without barriers. I simply saying that I am still searching and you with your simplicity of a loving mother, simply accepting.
Today I felt you fragile Mother,
I want and I wish you to know who I am that I'm not perfect, that being coherent is everything I am not and that I'm still trying to find my way, my purpose, and the alignment I appear to be.
That's how you know me, you always knew me and I always gave me to know, being the one who seems to be.

Today I felt you fragile Mother,
Yes, today I felt you were a little bird, a captive bird in a cage made ​​of pretending to be, of being so because it has to be, because of the others, to please others, to be like the others and ...

Today I felt you fragile Mother,
You finally got it, I'm like you, someone who feels trapped from the fear of failure, someone who seeks to gain the courage to find its own path, someone who feels that time is going and that is no use to escape or even worth to leave. Someone who knows that you have to assume yourself and gain that courage or you'll always be a prisoner of the person you could be.

And in the end, at the very end, the fragile bird, closes the cage door, looks up, lies down and gives up flying ... simply exhausted !

P.ResTLessMind x

---- (Portuguese version)
Hoje eu senti-te frágil Mãe,
Senti-te frágil, orgulhosa, espantada e por nada realmente. Penso que só mesmo porque finalmente conseguimos de alguma forma comunicar, comunicar de forma sincera e sem barreiras. Eu simplesmente dizendo que continuo à procura e tu com a tua simplicidade de amor de mãe, simplesmente aceitando.

Hoje, Mãe, senti-te frágil,
Quero e desejo que saibas quem eu sou, que não sou perfeito, que ainda procuro o meu caminho e que sou tudo menos a coerência e o alinhamento que aparento ser. É assim que me conheces, que sempre me conheceste e que sempre me dei a conhecer, o de alguém que parece ser.

Hoje, Mãe, senti-te frágil,
Sim, eu hoje senti-te um passarinho, um passarinho prisioneiro numa gaiola do aparente ser, do ser porque tem que ser, do ser em função dos outros, para agradar aos outros, para ser como os outros e...

Hoje, Mãe, senti-te frágil,
Porque tu hoje finalmente percebeste, que eu sou como tu, alguém que se sente aprisionado pelo medo de falhar, alguém que procura ganhar coragem para procurar o seu caminho, alguém que, tal como tu, sente que o tempo se vai e que não adianta fugir, não adianta partir, porque ou te assumes e ganhas coragem ou serás sempre prisioneiro do que podias ser.
E no final, mesmo no final, o passarinho frágil, fecha a porta da gaiola, olha para cima, deita-se no chão e desiste de voar... Simplesmente exausto!

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The path...

The intersections of the winding roads and the deep mountains of this short journey that is life, also runs from within and not just from the outside.
P.RestLessMind x


We can suffer,we can fall,we can bleed and in the end we can even say please, but one thing that you and I can't fail, is do what winners even crying and exhausted never fail to do: Fight !
P.RestLessMind x


A great pretender of firm wills and strong convictions, absolutely coherent with his proud inconsistencies.
Not me, not you ... only the image of us.
P.RestLessMind x


Almost never recognized for anything or almost nothing and still feeling so happily and proudly uncomfortable when a compliment actually happens.

P.RestLessMind x

The Song...

The beauty of a song is to make us dream, is to make us go without fear of letting go ... is knowing that even so we can always return and dream again.
P.RestLessMind x

Friday, January 17, 2014

Animal Cruelty ...

The Animal cruelty, reflects the most putrid and ruthless human nature and its magnificent ability to sleep with the Wickedness on behalf of Goodness.

In the name of alleged benefits to mankind...
in the name of any kind of forgiving gods or even just because you can, please, before you even DARE to hurt an animal, try to look at yourself through his eyes...
Enlightening is not?

P.RestLessMind x

Little Bird ...

Today i feel you fragile,
Just like a bird, a fragile bird, wet eyes wide open and small little wings proudly down...

Today i feel you fragile,
Just like a bird, a fragile bird, looking from the inside out, desperately trying to find in another the opposite of that little bird you think you are...

Today i feel you fragile,
Just like a bird, a little and fragile bird, that closes the cage, looks up, lies down and simply refuses to fly... exhausted.

Lv u Mom !

P.RestlessMind x

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The ticket...

Honesty is probably the only key to open the door of this great play that is life, everything else, just gives you the right to look at the stage, possibly in the front row, but never act on it. P.RestLessMind x


What makes us get together also can separate us ... we're close, yes, but eventually not connected. P.RestLessMind x

Stop ...

The fear of risking paralyzes...It prevents you from realizing that it is possible to overcome losing. Living memories that did not exist, pretending the past, is actually, projecting a future without having lived that present. P.RestLessMind x

Poker face...

In life, a bit of everything and a bit of nothing maybe more balanced and wiser, but... All or Nothing is like a cry of joy, like a cry of pain, does not cheat, does not more raw, more animal, is you and me, is you and us...simply being humans, simply being people.
P.RestLessMind x

Monday, January 13, 2014

Move on...

Forgive and forget it's like the horizont line that kisses the sky and touches the sea, you don't exactly understand how but you believe is possible...Is it really?  P.RestLessMind x


The thin and fragile line that breaks generosity from selfishness is asking less from you and giving much more of me. P.RestLessMind x


Dreaming that it is possible, is what distinguishes those who believe, from those, who by bitter disappointment merely say that only giving up... is worth. P.ReslLessMind x

With your eyes only...

Sometimes we can say so much more about what we feel just by the silence that we consented.
P.RestLessMind x

Friday, January 10, 2014

Distance ...

To feel that we left we need a pause to feed the seed of reunion and return stronger and more willing to be closer... to be longing. Missing another, is to be close and yet far ! P.RestLessMind x


Have we humans a tendency to feel compassion for other beings who are suffering? Will be one way for us to play gods, and within our own limitations, we actually may kiss the sacred on the cheeks and slap the profane in the face ? P.RestLessMind x

Analogy ...

What similarities can exist between politicians and artists? They can have an ego the size of the world and both may end up believing that the world revolves with and for them. Underneath they are like the rest of us, what distinguishes them truly is a small detail, they, in fact, can make all the difference. p.RestLessMind x


The Frustration and expectations are two great companions of good hours and bad hours. They are like lovers who consume each other ardently until they realize that one exists because of the other. P.RestLessMind x

Manage time..

Time management is not manageable, the measurement of time and the cadence of that time does not change ... the rhythm is master of himself. Only tasks are possible to be managed ! P.RestLessMind x


Overwhelmed by the exigency and slaughtered by the certainty of not being able to be up to yourself. P.RestLessMind x


How many different persons are we? As many as our mood and state of mind allow us to be... All alike and all different but still the one and unique persona that is you !! P.RestLessMind x


Control what you can't control is more than an error of judgment, it is a waste and a strange way of living... P.RestLessMind x


Talent, must be simple like simplicity is, and must be honest, as honesty needs to be. P.RestLessMind x

Live or die...

There are many ways to die..., the favorite for many of us, is dying not living... P.RestLessMind x

Make a living...

Your work does not necessarily defines you as a person, it's just a part of what you do is just a part of who you are... P.RestLessMind x


Are we running out of time? Run if you can, the more you can, but time eventually will catch up with you. And if so, breathe, and start again ... Time does not give up, can not get enough ... and neither do you! P.RestLessMind x

Which is the highest of all virtues?...

Virtue is to be appreciated and accepted... It is distinctive and should not be classified. P.RestLessMind x

Brain is made up of matter. Is matter capable of thinking ?

Yes, because it has a self and a soul that feeds awareness and existence. Is your entrance door to the world...use and abuse of it!! P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Doubt always...

The long tail of intolerance grows and becomes wider as the certainties of our own ignorance.
P.RestLessMind x (some day in our time)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Wake up..

The purpose of your journey is constantly challenged by the sweet and convenient numbness of your spirit. P.RestLessMind x

Every time i look at you...

You are only real, when your soul feels, breathes and sees in the mirror, the soul of another. P.RestLessMind x


Mr. Void, fills you, if you let him grow... P.RestLessMind x

Always Believe...

What disappoints us most is what moves us ... our dreams!! P.RestLessMind x

In end of the day...

There is no such thing as the truth, but only people and their truths... P.RestLessMind x

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just an Illusion...

Everyone is tweeting at lightning speed ... I wonder what moves us all? Recognition, the comforting illusion that mind who follows you just because someone wants to be followed. How ironic ... when you perceive from the top of your alleged importance,that what you say, may be, somehow of some importance and may actually mean something to someone .. you're gone ... the next tweet has arrived. P.RestLessMind x

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Never before have we been so connected and yet so disconnected... This is the power of words, they allow this familiar and convenient illusion of pure intimacy, that no distance, is able to conceal... P.RestLessMind x

Being coherent...

The ultimate challenge is to make our actions up to our words. P.RestLessMind x

Isn't that ironic ?

During the great journey that is our life, nothing, no matter what, truly belongs to you or me and everything is definitely borrowed. P.RestLessMind x


The way you see the world is how you feel the world !!! ... P.R.x