Saturday, September 26, 2015

The things that are from life...

If we abstain ourselves from perceiving the differences in people, in the beings and in the things that are of from this world then most of our feelings are dead ... gone.
we breathe, it is true, but we are not really alive, we are a blurred version of ourselves ... we just pretend !!!

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Se nos abstermos de perceber as diferenças que existem nas pessoas, nos seres e nas coisas que são deste mundo, most of our feelings are dead... gone.
Respira-se, é verdade , mas nao se está realmente vivo, somos uma versão turva de nós mesmos.. fingimos apenas.

P.RestLessMind x

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The globalization of the Indifference...

When it comes to conveniently turn our face to the other side, anesthetized by the indifference, there are no guilty ones because there is no such thing as innocent people.


---(portuguese version)
A Globalização da indiferença...
Quando se trata de convenientemente virarmos a nossa face para o outro lado, anestesiados pela indiferença, não existem culpados porque não há inocentes.


Saturday, September 12, 2015


Please, take me for a glass of wine...
I love when you make me confess my Sins hearing yours...

P. RestLessMindx

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Are the right questions out there?...

We see, listen and read so we can't pretend we don't know.
Everyone has an opinion about everthing and nothing but sometimes those become overly simplified statements and pretentious answers to what I feel are very complex issues.

Having said that, I get real and realise that I don't know the answers... so perhaps would be more useful to just try to rise up the right questions. I wonder if there are any... ?!


Saturday, September 5, 2015

I've seen the future...

Was next month it all happened...
I simply see tomorrow with the same eyes of yesterday and the days before yesterday and suddenly I'm back to the days of always, dreaming of the days that will become different days next month.

P.RestLessMind x

--- (Portuguese version)
Foi no mês que vem que tudo aconteceu
Simplesmente vejo amanhã com o mesmo olhar de ontem, de anteontem e dos mesmos dias anteriores a anteontem, que são os dias para trás, os dias de sempre, a sonhar com os dias diferentes que serão os dias do mês que vem...


The way you see the world is how you feel the world !!! ... P.R.x