Saturday, May 18, 2024

The inconsistency of the matter....

I'm indifferent to all and all is indiferent to me ...
despite of everything,
the colors,
the textures,
the love,
the hate,
the hope,
the songs,
the dancing,
the obligations,
the spaces between,
the madness,
the bitter illusions ...
the sweet disappointments !
Despite Life ...
I'm indifferent to all and all is indiferent to me !...
Hell !!!!!!!!!!
I don't allow the past to haunt me yet nothing is left but a blurred memory ..did I die or did I ever exist ?!
Incoherence dresses and dances me around for no reason other than my own insanity.
In every sigh, in every breath, the clock clicks and time goes by...tic,  tac, tic, tac...
I'm still indifferent to all and all is indiferent to me !...
Who Am I after all ?! 


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The way you see the world is how you feel the world !!! ... P.R.x