Sunday, April 7, 2024


Everything is dead behind my happy smile...


If only you knew how I feel inside... trapped in a blurred version of myself, trying to greedily breathing in any ray of light that can illuminate my path and clear my mirror ! 
P.R.x (2024)


I continue to drift around the corners of life looking for another place and another time for me !
 P.R.x (2024)


In my passage through Life, 
I am always Absent!..
I am Eternally the things that Will Be!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

My Room

My Room...
Do you feel the wind blowing in
thoughts and thoughts squeezing poems and poems smashing thoughts...
This is my room ! ...
Please, Come in.
Bring the wine
taste it wildly
dive in like no other
swing the celling and the floor
pretend is nothing to blame
and there's no one to hate.
Who needs to sleep when
life isn't a shame  ?
This is my kingdom
this is me !
The only place that...
When I whisper,
My Queen,
come in.

P.R.x (2023)


Sometimes feels right to step back when you are just 1cm too close to heaven...
When that happens I wonder:
Are humans irresistibly drawn into imperfection ?!

Friday, August 7, 2020

A incoerência da matéria...

Sou-me indiferente ! Precipicio que não seja o vazio, é a incoerência da matéria, apesar da cor, textura, cheiro e movimento...! Sou uma memória que se esqueceu de ser, de ter memória do que foi e do que fui. Nem sequer chega a ser um tormento, porque a memória sem ela, a memória, não é memória...
Não morreu !.... Simplesmente nunca existiu ! P.RestLessMindx (2020)

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

When things happen ...

The great lessons of life exist to give us back the humility that has been lost in the arrogance of our immortality.
When these things happen they bind us to life!

Quando coisas acontecem...

As grandes lições da vida existem para nos devolver a humildade que se perdeu na arrogância da nossa imortalidade.
Quando estas coisas acontecem ligam-nos à vida !..
P.RestLessMindx (2018)


Quando a terra e o céu trocam de lugar, nunca estamos sozinhos...somos muitos dentro de nós.


When earth and sky switch places, we are never alone ... many are within us !!.


Everything is dead behind my happy smile...