Saturday, November 11, 2017


I don´t feel alive anymore! I stopped listening to my silence !
P.RestLessMindx (2017)

That's life...

The truth is always on what is believed .. and that can be a lie !...
P.RestLessMindx (2017)

Reminder ...

Sometimes Disappointment is the only memory left just to remind us why we No longer Care !..
P.RestLessMindx (2017)


How much of you is a repetition ?
P.RestLessMind x

O Mar...

Nem o Mar que tudo quer e tudo tem
Nem o Mar que tudo leva e tudo traz
Nem todos os Mares,
Marés e maresias deste e doutros mundos
conseguem levar consigo
todas as tristezas ao fundo

E é num turbilhão de espuma,
entre a promessa de uma onda que nasce e outra que morre,
que o mar se move, move, move..

E às vezes, ao olharmos para ele,
Sonhamos com coisas Belas
e isso, é o que Mar deseja, o que o Mar quer...

E o que o Mar quer,
o Mar ...

P.RestLessMind x (2017)

The Sea...

Neither the Sea
that wants everything and everything has
Nor the Sea
that takes everything and everything brings

Not even all the Seas and tides
that are from this and from other worlds
can sink all the sorrows in the depths of its waters

It is in the swirling foam
between the promise of a wave that borns and another one that dies
that the Sea moves, moves, moves ..

And sometimes, when we look at it
we dream about Beautiful things
and that
is just what the Sea wishs,
what the Sea wants ...

It was so then, it is so now...

What the Sea wants
the Sea ...

P.RestLessMind x (2017)


Everything is dead behind my happy smile...